What To Do if I Locked My Car Keys in the Boot of My Car?

Locking your own keys inside your car is one thing, keys locked in the boot is another. This is a common issue for drivers around the world. One moment you left your keys inside the boot to carry something off and the next moment you absentmindedly closed it, leaving your keys inside. If former articles talk about the eerie feeling of creeping dread when locking your keys inside your car, locking your keys inside the boot of your car is another monster entirely. Fortunately, there are several options for you to choose from to get your keys out of the boot, the only problem will be the amount of time to get the key out. Getting your keys off the boot of your car takes hours off your day. If you’re a very busy person, be prepared for what will happen.

Deadlock Feature

This is one reason why getting your keys locked in the boot of your car is a bad situation. This is a feature of most modern cars. Whenever a deadlock feature is engaged, it makes it very hard to open the doors of a car. Essentially, a deadlock centers on a feature where the inner door locks are disconnected from the locking mechanism. This makes manually opening cars a headache, you can only open your car with your key if this happens. This feature has a habit of happening when you remove your keys out of the ignition. If this happens, the only option now is to call for an auto locksmith. When calling for help, be specific about your situation. There are auto locksmiths who specialize in this type of situation.

Call Auto Locksmiths

This must be the first thing to do if you locked your keys in the boot. The boot of your car was built different, it was built to be a safe place to store items and to make theft nearly impossible. Be sure to call an auto locksmith, regular locksmiths can get inside your car through the door but getting inside your boot may need specialized people.  However, be prepared that this will be a long process. With modern car manufacturers creating cars to be more secure, it will a lengthy wait before they will get your boot open.

Boot Release Button

If somehow your car doors aren’t locked, you could use the boot release button inside the car. A feature that many modern vehicles have. The location of it varies from car to car however, generally, it is found on the driver’s side of the car.

If your car doesn’t have this feature, you may gain access to the boot of your car by folding your seats down and crawling in towards the boot.

Spare Key

Locking your key in is very stressful and in a very stressful situation, people tend to forget they have a spare. If you happen to have a spare key on hand, good for you. But, if your spare key is at home and you’re ways away from it, that may be a problem. If you’ve lost both you’re main and spare key, order a new one. This will not be a quick process, we talked about this in detail in a previous article, “Replacing Remote Car Keys“.

Boot Release Override

This an option for people with automotive experience. Use a battery, your car battery for instance, with the fuse box of your car to produce an electrical short that will unlock your boot. Searching this method online will show detailed information on how to do it. If you’re a visual learner, there are some videos with a step-by-step process on how to do it. Warning, this is only for people with automotive experience.

Break the Boot Lock

This option should be your last result. If you exhausted all possible remedies and if you’re in a hurry, this a quick yet expensive solution. You can either break the main lock or go through the back seats. Doing this might only take an hour or so, but in this hour a lot of damage can be done, and a lot of money can be wasted. Again, only use this option as a last resort.

Be Sure to Not Let This Happen

To make sure that this never happens is to always be mindful of where your keys are. Always check your pockets before opening and closing the boot. If not, always have a spare on hand. You can be creative on where you can place and hide your spare. If you left your spare inside the main body of the car and you left your main in the boot, you could break in the car first to take the spare and use it to unlock the boot. We’ve made an article on how to get inside a locked car, “How to Get Keys Out of Locked Car with Automatic Locks“. Please remember, locking your keys in the boot of your car is very different if you locked your keys in the main body of the car. With the information detailed above, be prepared that this will consume a lot of time and effort to solve this problem.

Replacing Remote Car Keys

Everyday fate randomly chooses a person to play with, giving them a rough time. One normal act that fate does is to whisk away our car keys. Placing them in places we don’t expect to find or, in some cases, disappearing entirely. A sinking feeling of dread will be the first thing you will feel when they can’t find their key in their pockets. A different feeling of dread will be entirely felt when you realize your car key was inside the pocket of your coat you tossed into the washing machine. Losing or breaking a car key is a whole nightmare entirely, replacing one is an awful experience all in itself. 

Remote Key

We made a separate article on the costs of replacing keys and the types of keys. The article is, “Replacement Key Cost”. This time we will be focusing on remote car keys. By a press of a button, remote keys are designed to unlock a vehicle from a distance. This makes this type of key convenient and also popular. There are some remote keys that the remote itself is a separate piece, making it much easier to replace if only one of the pieces is damaged.

With traditional keys, it was easier to steal a car due to the level of security with old keys. Now, car manufacturers found a way to beef up a car’s security by creating remote keys that makes car theft much more difficult.

Lost/Stolen vs. Broken Car Key

Losing your key is much more of an expensive endeavor than breaking one. In terms of remote keys, the “remotes” themselves are sophisticated and far more complicated than an average key. The cost of replacement will depend on the amount of technology inside the remote, the more the amount, the higher the price. Also, stolen keys must always be reported to the authorities. You never know, your key might return.

A broken key is fortunately a cheaper situation to deal with. As stated above, there are some remote keys that the remote itself is a separate piece. If one piece of your remote key is broken, replacing that specific piece is much cheaper than replacing the whole key. If you have a much older remote key, you might not find an original replacement. This is due to older keys that might be discontinued, but don’t worry. For the remote piece of the key, aftermarket products could help you. The quality varies but they work well as the genuine versions. On the other hand, the key blade could be cut by a locksmith.


Generally, you will need to find a dealership that deals with new cars if your vehicle was built within the last five years. Due to the technology used for recent car keys, it is much safer to go to a car dealership. There are cheaper versions online, but you need them to be programmed, commonly by car dealerships. However, you don’t have to go to a dealership if you have a car that is 10 plus years older. Many of these less advanced car keys can be programmed by an auto locksmith, a mechanic, or even by the customer. If you want to go for a less expensive route, ordering aftermarket keys is a great alternative.

Replacing a key entirely, whether you are losing or getting it stolen, will cost anywhere from £200 – £600. However, this price range will only be applicable if you have a spare. Losing both keys and running to get a replacement will be more expensive. Dealerships will have to program the key and reprogram your vehicle’s computer. The price will likely reach about £3000. There are also hidden costs in replacing lost keys. An example if you’ve lost both main and spare keys, you’ll have to pay to tow your car back home or to a local dealership.

Replacing a broken key is less of a headache than replacing a lost or stolen key. Generally, locksmiths can easily replace broken keys for less than £200. This is for both key fob replacement and the newly cut key blade. 

Aftermarket Keys

Replacing both broken and lost keys are expensive. A good plan is to always have a spare. Dealerships usually give out two keys when purchasing a vehicle. If you lost one and you fear the costs stated above, you can save money by purchasing aftermarket keys. These keys’ quality varies but they generally get the job done like genuine keys. If you don’t want to go through this messy experience, give purchasing an aftermarket car key a thought. Also, please take care of your keys.

How to Get Keys Out of Locked Car with Automatic Locks

There is nothing more frustrating and annoying than locking your own keys inside your car. Fortunately, there are ways for you to unlock your car without damaging the car’s door or hiring a professional to lockpick or duplicate your key.

WARNING: Tips and instructions of this article are only for emergencies. Car Keys with Ease does not promote nor condone car theft.

Locked Car Doors

The difficulty of opening lock car doors depends on the locks installed on the vehicle. Usually, cars with manual locks are much easier to unlock with long and flexible objects like a wire coat hanger. Manual locks are much easier to unlock due to the buttons, generally, manual lock buttons are bulkier and longer. A straightened hanger with a hook on the end can easily unlock the car door. Unfortunately, the buttons of automatic locks are smaller and smoother. There are still ways to unlock a car with automatic locks.

Car App

Up-to-date cars have an app to go along with it. Auto manufacturers provide a mobile application for you to remotely unlock your car’s door. You will need to register your vehicle to your account in the app for you to be able to use this feature. This is one innovative and modern way for you not to be locked out of your car again in the future. Other auto manufacturers app provides features that allow the app to remotely start or stop the car’s engine, activate lights, sound the horn, access maintenance info and some apps even immobilize a vehicle when stolen.

Wedge and a Long Tool

The tools seem a bit crude, yet still gets the job done. The method is to use the wedge to pry a space open without damaging the locks of the car and to use a long, skinny tool to push the lock button. A simple, basic yet effective strategy will get the job done. This will also be likely done by a locksmith or other professional if you plan to contact them. The difference is you don’t need to pay anything. 

  • Wedges: Anything that is thin and strong. A knife would do the trick. There are products that are used as “auto entry tools” like an inflatable wedge kit.
  • Long Tool: Anything long and flexible like a wire coat hanger.

Trunk Door

If the car in question doesn’t have a designated mobile app to go with it and the second option doesn’t work, gaining access through the trunk door is another method. If by any chance your trunk door is open, look inside for an emergency cord. After locating it, pull the cord and the roof of the trunk opens up, creating an opening for you to crawl inside. However, this is only when your trunk door is open or unlock. Car’s with automatic locks usually locks every door on the vehicle. Making this method unlikely yet still possible.

Professional Help

If the vehicle doesn’t have a mobile app, using the second method doesn’t yield a positive result, and the third method isn’t possible to do, the only option left is to call professional help. Calling emergency road assistance or a local locksmith will be a safer and probably better method. In the case of automatic locks, every key has a specific code. Providing this code to the locksmith with other personal information in relation with the vehicle will let the locksmith duplicate the key. Another way is to call your car dealer or a local one. Every car dealership has a spare key to unlock car doors, but this key does not start the car. Before doing this, the owner must have the necessary documents to show as proof that they own the car. The only downside of this is that you have to pay them to unlock your car. 

  • Police

Calling the police is another viable option, it is also wise to call them when your situation is particularly dire. However, if you don’t have a baby or an animal inside, it is better to call a hotline for non-emergencies rather than calling emergency services.

Spare Key

Losing your key or locking it inside your car is a massive headache. Having a spare is always a wise thing. In every dealership, a car purchased will always provide a pair of keys. If you lose one of them, don’t worry, you can always order another one. But, if that sounds expensive, you can order an aftermarket version. Car Keys with Ease provides various aftermarket keys for various cars and models. You can use the search bar or use the date search to specify which car do you own. We advocate to always have a spare key in hand, whether genuine or aftermarket. The quality of the products we provide is up to par with the genuine versions, providing a quality product for a lesser price.

Replacement Key Cost

Car keys have an odd ability to disappear without a trace. It could be inside your pocket, on your living room table, or even underneath the couch and it will disappear completely. When realizing your keys are lost, a dreaded feeling creeps up your spine. Don’t worry, this eventually wears off. After it does, the definitive question comes to mind, how much do replacement keys cost?

Replacement keys can be costly, fortunately, there is an option you can do that may not cost a thing.

Car Insurance Policy

If you definitively can’t find your key, you may check your car insurance policy on lost or stolen keys. Some car insurance policies have key replacement as a standard in their car insurance policies. Other insurance policies need some additional payment for a replacement, usually lesser than the actually purchased key. Overall, it’s worth checking out your car insurance to see if this possible in your case.

If your insurance policy covers this, great! If it doesn’t, replacing it is your only option.

Cost of Car Key Replacements

Replacing keys can be a massive headache, the price ranges from £140 to £1000. The price varies as it depends on:

  • Make and Model of the Vehicle: Every car for every manufacturer utilizes different types of keys. These keys also depend on the car’s model, influencing the car key replacement cost.
  • Extra features: A general rule for purchasing any product is, “Extra features cost extra money.”
  • Location: Companies based on a specific place will charge more, e.g.: London.
  • Car Key: With varying keys, the price varies with the type of key. Commonly, keys with higher specifications are much more expensive than keys with lower specifications.

Types of Car Keys

  • Keyless entry: The face of modern keys. This convenient key works by sending radio signals to the car and unlocks the doors from afar. The signal sent isn’t just a signal by any means. The key sends a randomized code which the car’s computer receives and verifies, thus making this type of key a “smart key”. It isn’t a traditional car key in different ways. It is inserted in the dashboard of the vehicle or just stays in your pocket. Most cars with keyless entry keys just start the engine by pressing a button.
  • Remote keys: Like keyless entry keys, these keys are designed to unlock a vehicle by a press of a button. This makes them convenient and very popular. This type of key also needs to be programmed, generally by car dealerships. Some manuals show how to program it by yourself, or you could just search the internet. A present issue for this type of key is that the buttons may break and this key is generally more expensive to replace than basic keys. If you need a cheaper version of a remote key, you can purchase aftermarket versions. The quality may vary from the genuine version but they are less expensive.
  • Key with transponder chip: A much more secure version than a normal key. The transponder chips emit a signal that the ignition will receive. This signal has a unique code that the car will then authenticate. If the ignition detects the wrong code, the vehicle will not start. Like a remote key, keys with transponder chips must be programmed for the vehicle. A low-cost alternative is to purchase a spare key without a transponder chip, this will do the same thing as a key with a transponder chip except for starting the engine.
  • Flip/Switchblade key: This key is more compact and reduces the risk of the key scratching other items in a pocket or bag. The flip key has shafts that fold into the plastic shell when not in use and flips out with a press of a button. The components of the key, both the plastic shell and the shaft, can be purchased separately. Making it a bit cheaper to replace if only one of the components is damaged.

Best Way to Combat Disappearing Keys

The information above shows how today’s keys are expensive and the best strategy to win against disappearing keys is to have a spare. It is much more convenient to have a spare on hand currently rather than going through the trouble of finding the key and then running to get a replacement. If having a spare sound expensive don’t worry, you could order aftermarket products. The quality of these products varies; however, they are much cheaper and these car keys get the job done like the genuine versions.

Another reason to have a spare is due to the quality of modern keys. More cars require electronic keys rather than the old, traditional keys. Older keys are easier to replace but newer keys are not cheap. Losing an electronic key means that the car’s computer must be reprogrammed for the newly replaced key and that work costs more money. So, having a spare key is always a wise strategy.