
Car Key Programming – Belfast

Programming is a norm for modern keys nowadays. Keys that are ‘smart’ or ‘remote’ maybe give away why they need to be programmed. Modern keys of today are greatly different from the traditional keys of old. Where traditional keys are simply metal objects cut delicately into a key, modern keys are a massive upgrade. Car manufacturers saw the flaws of traditional keys in terms of security, car theft was much easier then. With the number of technological advancements throughout the decade, car manufacturers saw a chance to enhance the security of their products. Now, modern keys are fit with electronics that make it more secure for their car owner.

Modern keys vary in type, there are transponder keys, remote keys, and keyless entry keys or also known as ‘smart keys’. They vary from their electronic devices inside the key. If you want to know more about the different types of modern keys, we made an article detailing the types of modern keys and their costs, “Replacement Key Cost”. In general, transponder keys are keys with a transponder chip. This chip emits a signal when placed in the ignition, when the ignition receives the signal it will authenticate it and start the car. Remote keys are designed to unlock a car from afar with a press of a button. The same goes for keyless entry keys, the difference between them is that it has a code randomizer that transmits a randomize code that the car authenticates. This makes it more difficult for car theft to happen.

Programming Modern Keys

A similar element of these modern keys is that they need to be programmed, the electronic devices inside the keys must be in sync with the computer and locks of the vehicle. When purchasing a replacement or spare key, you will definitely need to program the key in such a way that it will be unique to your vehicle. Programming a key is a task that an auto locksmith can do. There are other options, car dealers and such, but they do so at a high price. Approaching an auto locksmith is a much cheaper venture.

Car Keys with Ease

Programming is one of many services that Car Keys with Ease provides. We deal with any type of situation that a car owner may be in. Car lockouts, repairing and replacing keys, you name it. We also have a large selection of aftermarket keys, from different makes and models to various types of keys.

We offer professional service in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Whether it is car key cutting or programming, our locksmiths can do all. We trained them rigorously and supply them with the latest technological tool. Some roadside recovery companies do not own the specific equipment to handle the programming aspect of a car key, so it is wise to contact an auto locksmith first.

Programming car keys is a task our locksmith can accomplish. They are well trained and well equipped to handle any situation.

Contact Car Keys with Ease if you have any trouble with your vehicle, 028 9532 0053.

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